Gina Lunn's study of art glass began at Palomar College in San Marcos California where she attended classes for two years. She was able to further her experience by attending workshops with Lara Donefer and Leah Fairbanks at Red Deer College in Alberta, Canada in June 2001. She studied with Ross Richmond in June 2003, Karen Willenbrink-Johnson in June 2005 and Stephen Rolfe Powell in June 2005. Her experience and talent led her to a position with one of the top artists in the Laguna Beach California arts community. She is currently employed by John Barber Glass Studios.
Attending the Laguna Beach Sawdust Festival gave Gina the inspiration to become involved with this ancient and beautiful art form. It is a functional art form that can be transformed into one of the most expressive artistic mediums. Gina is particularly drawn to images in nature that can be transformed in glass, to create a feeling for an individual. Glass sculpting is Gina's latest passion and the nature theme continues in her work. Her love of art glass from the sixties and seventies is also conveyed in many of her pieces.