Nottingham Center



workshop with David Cuzick

A Potter's Potter and Accomplished Sculptor
January 6 & 7, 2001

David is a full-time potter, as well as accomplished sculptor, working in clay for 28 years. He makes functional pots using mostly porcelain and stoneware clay bodies. Over many years, David has developed a unique and beautiful suite of glazes to compliment these clay bodies at high temperature.

The workshop began with David demonstrating glazing techniques with his glazes for a cone 10 reduction firing. Then David demonstrated his excellent throwing ability while speaking both of technique and the various aspects of a career as a potter.

In the late afternoon, the group prepared their bisque ware for a large pit-fire. We loaded the pit and lit it off at dusk. Around 8 p.m., David gave a slide show of his work and studio followed by a party with munchies, wiener roasts at the campfire, and libations.

On Sunday, day two, we began at 9 a.m., unearthing the pit and admiring the work. After lunch, David demonstrated his trimming style.

This was an intense, but quite fun, workshop where the group learned technique as well as gained insight into how one can make a successful career in ceramics.

For more info on David, check out his web site at to read his philosophy regarding his work and to view his pots and sculpture.

To view a documentation of a previous large pit fire at the Nottingham Center, go to Andy Cliff's web site at and click on Pitfire.

See below for some photos of David's Work:

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