Nottingham Center



Architectural Ceramics workshop with Peter King & Xinia Marin
August 2 - 7, 1999

Peter King has been producing architectural ceramics for over 25 years. His week-long workshops in his Pensacola, Florida studio are hugely popular with potters, architects, and landscapers. With his partner Xinia Marin, a ceramics professor at the University of Costa Rica, he brought the intensity of his studio workshops to Southern California.

This workshop was for anyone interested in exploring the possibilities of working with clay on a large scale and in integrating sculptural elements into architecture. The week started with the design and layout of a project, and the slab construction of the understructure. The class completed the surface decoration of the project, using carved, stamped, and modeled methods for texturing and forming. Firing and installation of large scale projects were discussed, and glaze and clay body formulas discussed and shared for various types of projects. The first evening there was a slide lecture from each of the instructors on their ceramic work, from sinks and murals to large fireplace mantles and freestanding outdoor sculptures.



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